A little over a year ago, UGA law professor Steve Shi and his wife Betsy learned of nearly 150 abandoned dogs on a property in North Georgia. These dogs were left in filthy pens outdoors, exposed to all weather extremes. Steve and a few othe

rs helped transport most of the dogs to no-kill shelters around the country. The Shis kept seven dogs in order to rehabilitate them to be able to later adopt them out to their forever homes. These dogs are very fearful because all they have known from humans is abuse. In order to help rehabilitate them, it is necessary for them to be exposed to kind people who will spend time with them in a calm and loving environment.

The Shis have set up a system where people come to their house and spend time with the dogs, taking them on walks, feeding them, and simply petting these animals. The dogs are still fearful and don't jump around and play with humans like other dogs do. It is evident that they are still uncomfortable when new people come to the house, but after you spend a few hours with them, they will relax and even let you touch them. The experience is very rewarding and you get to spend an afternoon with these amazing creatures. If you are interested in volunteering some of your time, please email Betsy Shi at betsy@shilaw.com
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